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Date 2019-09-05
File Size 50.47 KB
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Date 2019-12-16
File Size 6.72 MB
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Date 2020-04-03
File Size 7.65 MB
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Date 2020-04-04
File Size 2.36 MB
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Date 2020-05-28
Language  English
File Size 14.35 MB
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Date 2020-10-22
File Size 638.98 KB
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PROCMURA has time and again stated unequivocally that Africa is a religious continent and its people therefore a religious people. In that light it can be generally stated that to be African is to be religious and in many ways to be religious is to be African. In this religious continent, Christianity and Islam wield the largest following with the primal religions known as the African Traditional religion(s) now ranking third with other religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, the Baha’i among others prevalent.

Date 2021-12-09
Language  English
File Size 2.04 MB
Download 532

The aim of the Seasonal School is to provide platforms for religious leaders and other stakeholders to share knowledge, best practices and go through short courses on emerging issues that affect Christian-Muslim relations and peace building in line with PROCMURA’s Strategic Plan and agenda.

Date 2021-12-09
Language  English
File Size 2 MB
Download 447
Date 2022-05-19
Language  English
File Size 2.82 MB
Download 953
Date 2022-06-03
File Size 1.24 MB
Download 558

Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA),
P.O. Box 66099 – 00800 Nairobi
Prof. Saitoti Avenue, Westlands,
Phone: +254 (020) 444 5181 / 445 1342,
Email: [email protected]

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