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The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) has entered a new partnership with Stefanus Alliance International, a Norwegian Christian Missions and Human Rights organization, to establish a regional network for FoRB trainers in Africa to enable the trainers share experiences and best practices across the continent on freedom of religion.
International Women’s Day (8th March) is a day for people around the world to join voices and call for equal rights, women’s rights, which are all human rights. It is also a day to commemorate the contributions of women in all spheres of life and celebrate their diversity.
The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) has appointed the Editorial Board that will oversee the research and subsequent publication of research papers by the Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (ICMR) graduates and experts from across Africa and beyond. The Editorial Board brings on board a wealth of renowned and experienced Scholars and experts in Christian-Muslim relations who will assist in developing thematic areas that the graduates and experts will concentrate their research on for publication and editing the materials produced to ensure that they are within the principles and ethos of what PROCMURA is and stands for. Members of the board are drawn from Africa and Europe taking into consideration gender balance. The formation of the ICMR platform is aimed at ensuring that as many people as they are who have studied ICMR in Africa assist the churches in the continent in their efforts to constructively relate with Muslims.
Click this link for the full list and short profiles of the Editorial Board members.
Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA),
P.O. Box 66099 – 00800 Nairobi
Prof. Saitoti Avenue, Westlands,
Phone: +254 (020) 444 5181 / 445 1342,
Email: [email protected]